Kbd. Md. Abdullah Al Helal

Managing Director

Message From MD

I am graduated from the Animal Husbandry Faculty of Bangladesh Agricultural University. Due to my educational background it was identified for healthy & brilliant nation needs nutritious food mainly animal protein which comes from egg, meat, milk and fish only. Livestock and Fisheries Industry is one of the vital sectors under the Agricultural Industry in Bangladesh. This is only the industry that is providing animal protein to the people and contributing to build up a healthy & radiant nation. After accomplishing graduation I had started job in BRAC and after then RDRS-Bangladesh. Serving with those organizations I personally observed very closely that how a team performs in an organized way and approaches activities for achieving a single goal. My 3rd & 4th job in Renata Agro Industries Ltd & Quality Feeds Ltd respectively. In these two companies I had known how to handle and manage commercial farmers, distributing and marketing team along with production procedure, quality control and nutrition and overall management aspect. Total my 8 years job made me confident that I am able creating somewhat in the Livestock and Fisheries Sector. Basis on my confidence, In January 2007, I reconciled from job and form a Private Limited company with the advanced educated, experienced & challenging team running named Solid Aqua-Vet Ltd and I had been selected Managing Director, starting from that time. With this company we entered into the agro based industries and started trading business. We are the team who renovated their job from Feed Mill Employee to Feed Mill Owner as well as employer by rented Feed Mill since 17th May, 2008 in Bangladesh. In this short period my team established own Feed Mill named Solid Feeds Limited dated 2nd September, 2009. By unbreakable working, earnestness, transparency and dignity we expanded our business in the diverse allied industry to form different company. Now we are SOLID GROUP with 5 concerns.  I am proud of a well balanced team management which is very accommodating to our business establishment & able to face any kinds of challenges in this sector. It is proudly saying that I, one of the members of this industry who is contributing the people gratifying their nutrition for building up a healthy, wealthy and luminous nation.